I am back investigating the even more popular, “Mandela Effect.” Scientist and physicists, like the ones at Cern and the Large Hadron Collider (we’ll get into that another day), will say the thousands of people with different realities or memories are simply misremembering or having false memories.
So let’s talk a little bit about false memories and the possibility of alternate universes.
The Mandela effect is basically when someone has a memory that doesn't coincide with everybody else's.
The Mandela effect has been an internet meme for almost a decade now and it's always been called that. The Mandela effect refers to the phenomenon where a group of people remember differently a fact or event. Some have used it as a means of supporting the existence of parallel universes, but we're not going to get too deep into that today.
Instead, I have collected ten great examples of the Mandela effect that will blow your mind if you have not heard them previously.
10. Mirror Mirror
You may think you're a Disney fanatic, but unless you cringe every time someone says, “mirror mirror on the wall” when quoting Snow White, you're not quite there yet. It seems that just about everyone believes the quote starts as “Mirror Mirror” but that's not the case, while we remember it that way, the line is actually “Magic Mirror” on the wall.
How do you remember it: This is today's reality:
9. Star Wars “Luke, I am your father”
We all know the line and probably have repeated it at least once in our lifetime but chances are we've been miss remembering how the scene actually went. During the most iconic part in the Empire Strikes Back, Darth Vader doesn't address Luke by name, so when someone says, Luke, I am your father, you should correct them immediately, the real line that we've ignored and incorrectly committed to memory was, “ no, I am your father.”
8. Harry Houdini's death
How exactly did famed magician Harry Houdini die?
If your mind immediately went to stories of his drowning during one of his more
dangerous tricks. You fallen victim to the Mandela Effect. Though many may vividly remember hearing about his drowning Houdini passed away from peritonitis after his appendix ruptured,
some even think he died in the 1930s, while his date of death is actually Halloween 1926.
7. The misquoting of the Lambs
We've all had that one friend who's done the eerie, “hello Clarice” in an attempt to mimic the impressive acting ability of Anthony Hopkins. The reality is however, that Hannibal Lecter never muttered those words. It's such a popular and misremembered quote that had even made an appearance in another movie 1996 'as the Cable Guy. If you scour the web you'll find dozens of memes devoted to those two simple words. Some may argue that he does say “hello Clarice” towards the end of the film when he calls the FBI agent, but he very clearly says well Clarice.
6. We are the champions lyrics
Admit it you've found yourself singing along to Queens “We are the champions” and at the very end of the song, threw in last “Of The World” It's a common false memory that people have about the popular ballad, likely caused by the pattern of the song's chorus. Freddie Mercury did throw one final “of the world” on two live versions of the song. The recorded iteration is the one people hear most frequently. The song also tops off the Mighty Ducks two credits and also features that final “of the world,” though it does appear to be awkwardly spliced in.
5. Curious George's Tail.
If you were given the task of drawing Curious George from memory, would you give him a tail or not? If you would, then you suffer from a false memory of what Curious George looks like. Don't feel bad, though there isn't any depiction of him with a tail, that tends to be how people visualize him. There are people that even remember George both with and without a tail. George was designed as a chimp though, and chimps don't have tails.
4. The monopoly man monocle
Maybe it's because it certainly looks like he should have one, but people incorrectly think that the monopoly man, or rich uncle Pennybags sports a monocle. The rich mogul certainly looks good in a monocle, but no design of the iconic board game mascot includes the distinctive eyepiece. Some speculate that people confuse him with “Mr. Peanut” as they have a similar look but Mr. Peanut very much so looks like a peanut, while the monopoly man, well doesn't.
3. The Lindbergh baby
Do you remember learning about the tragedy of the Lindbergh baby kidnapped on March 1st 1932. The baby of aviation legend Charles Lindbergh was never seen again despite the many attempts of the Lindbergh family to have him returned safely. If you didn't catch the fallacy in that statement, then you either know nothing about the Lindbergh kidnapping, or you're like the many others that miss remember the details of Charles Lindbergh the Third's kidnapping. In today’s reality, the Lindbergh baby was found less than a mile from home and was determined to have been murdered the night of the kidnapping.
2. TV Shows: Sinbad aka David Atkins had quite a lot of fun with this false memory when it became widely popular in early 2017. People were adamant, but they remember watching a 1990s movie where Sinbad played a genie. Collegehumor had a little fun with it too and hired Sinbad to film lost footage of the movie to post on April Fool's Day of 2017. The most popular theory is that people confuse the non-existent Sinbad movie with Shaquille O'Neal's portrayal of a genie in Kazaam, but if I don't remember either movie, you win.
Number one is naturally Nelson Mandela.
Nelson Mandela is the false memory that started paranormal consultant and author Fiona Broome that coined the phrase when she realized that her memory of Nelson Mandela's death in the 1980s was completely off the mark. The South African president and human rights activist was alive up until 2013, but Broome’s memory was adamant that he died in prison. As the author did some digging, she found that she wasn't the only one that thought Mandela died 30 years before he actually did.
That is all for today, but stay tuned as we go into more recent Mandela Effects and see what Cern, physics and other realities have to do with this topic.